It seems that the random found picture for the very first House Party@SWAY flyer, has recently appeared at Leo Fitzpatrick's FUCK FRIENDS art show at Ass Gallery. Check it out...
I'm not even sure what it means, but thanks for including us! :-) Google "leo fitzpatrick fuck friends ass gallery" and see what all the buzz is about!
This is my friend Taylor and her lil babe from Kentucky. I love how she looks like such an angelic mother with a beaming light behind her and... what's that thing to the right?!?! the cutest lil uncle fester monster ever!!
Babies and puppies make me laugh far too often. maybe i am normal just like everybody else after all! NAH!!
oh man. how I used to love bill cosby. it sucks he hates white people now... or doesn't hide it any more.
i still remember watching this episode and when the scene came on with rudy singing the room filled with laughter. i think a lot of families shared that same experience.
i'm gonna keep these images of you in my head forever, because i cherish them dearly.
and i loved this one even more!! i think it's because this 3 yr old dances like me!!! WTF!
this kinda makes me cry a little inside. PICTURE PAGES!! also, i'm gonna be needin that shirt your wearin. hand it over.
it's pretty simple. i treat people how i want to be treated. if they reciprocate, cool. if they don't then go the other way. other than that, i'm easy to get along with and i always welcome everyone with a smile, the next step is yours.